Lvl 3 – 6th East Exit – H. Potocnik

6th East Exit is an intermediate drumline chart written in 12/8 timing. A slightly stripped-down version of Michael Huestis’ great chart – 5th East Exit – the piece is a perfect stepping-stone for lines wanting a bit more chunk in their pieces. With split melodies moving between different sections of the drumline, 6th East requires players to listen and feel the play as a complete line. Diddle passages with dynamics add some drama to the solid grooves throughout.

The comfy feel and catchy grooves make this piece fun to learn and exciting to master! If the line is feeling it, try pushing the tempo to bring a bit of extra flare! Written for four bass drums, quads, snares and two cymbals, it can be altered to accommodate a more streamlined ensemble.

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SKU: 6THEAST Categories: , ,

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Level 3


Snare Quads (5 Drums) 4 Bass Drums 2 Cymbals

