Lvl 4 – Stick Control – Pulse Percussion

*Demo Video Below*

An absolutely cracking version of Stick Control, this exercise is great for exactly what the name would suggest – enhancing stick control across a range of different stickings.

With some super tasty little groove sections that jump out of nowhere and plenty of challenging around for quads + splits for basses, this is an incredibly fun warmup with lots to sink your teeth into!

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Practice tips:

    1. Start with bass drums playing the same part as snares to get their hands going before adding in the splits (can also be applied to quads if arounds prove challenging).
    2. Make sure everyone stays loose and relaxed and don’t “overplay”, especially on the individual strokes after a grouping – ie. Careful not to pound the left in R R R L
    3. The bass split in bar 6 is called a “laser”. These are hard for an inexperienced bass line so feel free to simplify if required. Same goes for 11, 12 and 13 which have 32nd note lasers.
    4. Start slow, and HAVE FUN!

Video by GRIDBOOK 

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Additional information


Level 4


Snare Quads (5 Drums) 5 Bass Drums
